Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Recently we have been learning about measurement. We have been learning about the Metric system lately. Funny, because my mom says that we don't even use it here in the United States. Everyone else does though!! We have used the hand a lot, well, in different ways. Like to help us with how many meters in a kilometer. The answer is 1,000 by the way. It's hard to explain.....

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  1. Maya you are right. The meteric system is not highly used in the US, except in the world of science. You would think we would want to get on board to make things easier for our self,but not so much. This article is kind of interesting train of thought :

  2. WOW! Maya that is some very good information. You are right on everything. Amazing job.

  3. @jae good job you are right we use the customary in the us and everybody else uses metric

  4. @abby good job. I do wonder why we don't switch to the metric system?

  5. @sista thats right we use customary more than metric

  6. @sista i have a link to my voki click here to veiw never mind

  7. maya i have a question a u answer it how does mesurment go and how does it work and answer
