Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Hey everyone,
Do you struggle on getting timed tests? Here is a link where you print your own worksheets, do flash cards, and more. 
I hope you enjoy it! Rememmber you could get 20/20 with this website.


Thursday, March 29, 2012


Hello Everyone,
Here is a link to my geometry prezi. If you still need some info on this topic this is the place to get it! Here is the link:    Do you want to hear something funny? This prezi says it was created by Mal, But it wasn't. I somehow was on her acount when I started the prezi! So then she e mailed it to me so I could work on my OWN prezi! Well anyways if you like my prezi please leave a comment. Thanks for letting me share with you.


Friday, March 2, 2012

Hi classmates,
Here is my pioneer presontation. I hope you enjoy it!


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Friday, February 24, 2012

Mrs. Pope and his visitor

Today we had a visitor! His name was Mr. Pope and he was the best story teller and his stories were real not like ponies and dragons like his chilhood. He told use lots of things like how long and how to brush. And he had a horse that shots water and has larger teeth than I or all the other kids in the room. And I got to brush his large teeth but I had to do it for 2 minutes but as I  was brush he shot a good shot at my eyes and face!!! We stared laughing at that because it sprayed like a water gun at the end he sprayed as long as he got hold his breath( I think). We got gifts from him and it was a tooth brush,tooth paste and flose!!!!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Lewis and Clark

Recently we have been learning about Lewis and Clark. We learned the accidents, things they traded, Indian tribes they met, pretty much everything that people have learned. I have some friends that would love to share their Prezi or Glogster with you. We tried our best to include the MOST important information, not just things you could learn too easily. Some of my friends are still finishing up, so I'll wait until they are done to post something.

Coming soon... Prezis and Glogsters about Lewis and Clark. Made by Room 117 kids!

Your Updater,

A little PREZI about everything we've done thhis year!

Hi Friends!!! This is a PREZI we made about this year. Please tell us if there are spelling mistakes and comment what you think. We aren't done yet but, here is what we have so far. Hope you like!  Thanks! If you have any ideas of things we did that we should post just tell us!

-Mal, Maya, and, Anna! :)